NDIS Podiatry Adelaide: Podiatry For Foot Care

Podiatrists treat common conditions such as hammertoe, plantar fasciitis and heel pain. They can also recommend custom orthotics that help improve foot alignment, foot function and lower limb mobility.

A biomechanical assessment can examine your foot posture while barefoot and in shoes. They can also check your lower limb function and strength. For professional NDIS podiatry for foot care Adelaide services, click here.

Ingrown toenails

NDIS podiatry AdelaideAn ingrown toenail is when the edge of a nail grows into the skin next to it. It causes pain and swelling. If not treated, infection can develop. It can lead to a granuloma, an area of new inflamed tissue that may weep or release pus. It can be serious for those with diabetes or who have poor circulation.

Ingrown toenails can be treated at home by soaking the affected toe in warm saltwater. Soak the foot for 20 minutes 2-3 times daily to relieve discomfort. Your podiatrist can trim your toenails and perform other foot care routines, such as removing calluses or corns. They can also help you find shoes that fit correctly and prevent them from getting tight or loose around your toes.

Plantar fasciitis

The plantar fascia is a band of tissue that connects your heel bone to your toes and supports the arch of your foot. It’s irritated by overuse or overstretching, which causes pain and stiffness in your heel and bottom of your foot. You may feel this pain when you take your first steps in the morning or after sitting for long periods at work.

Your podiatrist can help you manage your foot pain by suggesting things like resting, changing your exercise to one that puts less stress on your feet and calves (like swimming or cycling), and stretching your plantar fascia and calf muscles. They can also recommend custom foot orthotics to improve your foot posture and reduce pain or footwear that better supports your feet.

Achilles tendonitis

The Achilles tendon is the band of tissue that runs from your calf muscle to your heel bone. It’s used whenever you walk, run and jump. The Achilles tendon can be irritated and inflamed by overuse or intense stress. It can happen when you do too much high-volume running, sudden hill training or jumping. Poorly functioning feet or flat feet can also cause increased mechanical stress on the Achilles tendon, causing it to become inflamed.

Your podiatrist can provide biomechanical assessments in both static and dynamic ways (when you’re moving). They might check your foot posture barefoot and in shoes and recommend treatment such as custom orthotics to improve foot posture, reduce pain and support the ankle. They might also prescribe medication, exercises or a walking aid to help you manage the condition.

Heel pain

Heel pain is a common problem that affects people of all ages. Often, it develops as a result of overuse or injury. It can also signify other health problems like arthritis or a stress fracture.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme allows registered participants to access ‘reasonable and necessary’ podiatry supports as part of their plan. At Bellevue Podiatry, we are an NDIS-approved provider and can assist you with all your podiatry needs.

Foot pain

The foot is a complex structure made up of 26 bones, many joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. It is susceptible to injury for various reasons, including ill-fitting shoes, overuse and stress.

NDIS participants with lower leg, foot or back pain often benefit from a biomechanical assessment. It involves physically examining the feet and ankles at rest and during weight-bearing movement.

The podiatrist may ask questions regarding the history of the injury and whether it gets worse or better with certain activities. They will also examine the symptoms and compare them to the unaffected side. For example, if the pain is sharp and burning, it is likely Morton’s neuroma or a similar problem.

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